Another month, another stone and a half!

Mum says even if she ate cream cakes all day every day she doesn’t think she’d put on weight as fast as I do. 20.6kg when I was weighed at the vet last Friday – less than a third of what I’ll be eventually but not bad for four months! And I am getting more and more handsome by the day (so I’m told).

Working that puppy dog look, while I still can

I think all the hard work I’ve been doing in the garden has been helping to make my muscles big and strong.  Here I am a couple of weeks ago, when mum and dad spent the weekend digging. I dig in the garden too but they tell me off – it’s not fair, how come they are allowed to and I’m not?

Having a snack whilst I watch the gardening going on

I’ve learned how to go down stairs now as well as up, which means I can get into every part of the house. There’s one room where I feel particularly at home, there is a lovely fluffy thing on the floor which I like to lie on. Mum says it’s a sheepskin rug and it’s obviously my ancestral shepherding instincts coming out. I just think it tastes nice.

Big paws make going down stairs very tricky

I’m campaigning for a new bed as I’ve nearly outgrown mine now, but I still love it and spend many happy hours there. It’s always annoying when mum or dad come and kick me out of bed in the morning, I used to get up and go straight into the garden but now I tend just to roll over and get my tummy tickled. Dad says he is late for work every day.

Is it really time to get up?


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I’ve been growing….

Sorry for the lack of posts recently but my personal sectretary has been a bit busy and I have been rather occupied myself with the serious business of growing. I was 8.5kg when I went to the vet the first time, three weeks later and I’m 11.9kg so don’t you dare say I haven’t been busy. It just looks like I’m sleeping…

Snoozing seal-style

Snoozing with my favourite toy

Mum's trainers smell LOVELY

Another few inches and I'll be the perfect draught excluder

Did I mention I went to the vet again? Had my second injection (didn’t notice, had yummy treats to munch) and also got my microchip (apparently a very big needle – didn’t notice, had yummy treats to munch).  But it does mean I can go for walks now, although still only very little ones.

The other day I met a pet undertaker whatever that is. He was delivering a little tin to grandma’s next door neighbour. Apparently a nice dog used to live there but he has gone to doggy heaven. So I’m not sure why they need a little tin for him?

Today was nice, I met lots of chickens which live on the farm next door. I’m not sure what the point of them is – they look strange and they don’t bark. I met one of the farm dogs the other day, he is lots of fun and chased me round and round the garden. I can’t keep up though, I tend to fall over my feet which is a bit embarrassing really.

Next door’s dog came in and ate my food out of my bowl this afternoon, but that’s OK because I’ve discovered I much prefer eating dead grass and old lamb bones. Dog food is sooooo boring.

Look at the mess I'm making of the garden! And perfect camouflage to get away with it...

Anyway, must go, dad will be home soon and he needs his cuddles.

I'm just a big teddy bear

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Busy weekend!

I have had a very busy weekend, I have been finding out that I can make my ears flap when I run round the garden, like this:

Flaps lifted for take off....

I have been practising my “sit” and my “lie down”:

Down looks like this!

I have had to share my Bonio with Spooky:

Alright then, but only a little bit....

and now I am completely exhaustipated and, mummy says, very undignified.

Good job the man delivered 30kg of food on Friday, what a belly to fill!

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Mainly snoozing…

Yesterday and today I have been catching up on my beauty sleep, and have managed to fit in plenty despite a few social engagements.

Today I met Spooky again, and I almost had a little go at trying to play, but I remain unconvinced. Much nicer were the neighbours who came round, sat on the kitchen floor with me and told me how gorgeous I was. I knew that already but I tried to humour them. I’m hoping to meet their dog, Milly, a one year old brown and white border collie, soon, but her family says she’s a bit mad for me to meet whilst I’m still so small. I’m growing as fast as I can, I promise!

Had to go in the car again as I didn’t really like it yesterday, and mum says I have to keep trying.  Actually, I’ve discovered it’s quite a good place for a snooze, and I managed to catch forty winks in the supermarket car park.

Anyway, must go, feeling a bit sleepy…..


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What was all the fuss about?

Well I went to the vet yesterday and I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Everyone told me I was beautiful (obviously) and a nice lady let me stand on the table. I get the feeling I won’t be allowed to do that at home.

She gave me some treats and whilst I snaffled those my mum looked away and winced, saying something about a big needle. Anyway, when I’d finished my treats I got another one while the nice lady held me up, kissed my nose and called me a Honey Monster. So what on earth was supposed to be the problem??

I get to go again in three weeks, can’t wait!

Today I have been for a little walk round the garden. I’m allowed one minute’s exercise for every week old I am, each day, until I’m fully grown: because I’m going to be so big and strong my bones and joints are extra delicate while they’re growing.  So at the moment that’s only eight minutes which at my pace, which includes a couple of sit downs en route, is a leisurely stroll round the garden. It’s a lovely sunny day and we saw a wren, a long-tailed tit and something called a big fluffy bunny. I’m not sure what that is but I have found out that bunny poo tastes yummy!

Later I went to meet Grandma’s dog, Spooky. He wanted to play but I don’t know how to yet so I just sat whilst he sniffed me and bounced around.  Mummy said I looked “distinctly unimpressed” but that was too many syllables for my brain to cope with so I went and hid behind her for a while. Like I said, what is all the fuss about?

Yeah, yeah....whatever.

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Hello world!


Hello, my name is Rufus and I’m an eight week old Briard.  Everyone has been asking about me, so I thought I’d set up my very own blog and tell you in my own words what I’ve been up to.

People tell me I’m very handsome but they can’t believe the size of my paws. I will grow into them, I promise!

Rufus at eight weeks

My new mum and dad keep calling me a big fluffy baby bear cub, but that’s patently ridiculous as I am quite clearly going to grow into a giant shaggy French sheepdog.  Just look at my dad!

Remind you of a muppet?

I travelled all the way from Somerset to Hampshire yesterday – quite a journey for a little pup. It made me a bit queasy I must admit, and I was all wobbly on my feet when I reached my new home. I’d just got my balance back when I started to slip-slide around, the floor tiles are very shiny here! I’m hoping that if I widdle on them enough they won’t be so slippy, and I’ve made a good start on that project already.

I was a bit sad to leave my brothers and sisters yesterday, but they all seem to have been disappearing over the last week. I think they have new mummies and daddies too. Here’s a picture of us all together, we were only five weeks old when this was taken so I’m already twice the size I was then . 

Can you spot me? No, nor can I!

 Anwyay, I’m just off for a little snooze. Mum says I’m going to the vet this afternoon for my jabs, whatever they are. I’ll let you know how it goes…

I need my sleep, I've got a lot of growing to do!


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